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Paschal Greeting by Father Vesselin




Holy Week and Easter 2018


Palm Sunday
April 1, 2018


Join the Church Choir at
Sts. Cyril & Methody Cathedral.

please see the ad

1910 – 2024

Brothers and sisters in Christ,

We are happy to inform you that starting this Sunday, Oct. 6, the Sunday school classes in catechism for children organized by St. Silouan the Athonite Orthodox Church will begin.

The Sunday school has three levels, each of which has a central theme in accordance with the children’s spiritual and developmental growth and accompanying needs. For the youngest children in our Level 1 group (ages 3-6), the central image is Jesus the Good Shepherd. Level 2 (ages 6-9) has as its central theme Jesus as the True Vine. Level 3 (ages 10-15) will explore the Covenant of God. More specifically, this year the Level 3 catechists will begin reading the Book of Genesis and look at the typology of Christ in the Old Testament. They will also align lessons with the Feasts of the Church, exploring associated iconography, hymnography, and prayers.

Level 1 and 2 classes will be in St. Silouan Church, and Level 3 will be on the balcony above the banquet hall. Younger classes - 1 and 2,  will begin at 9am, and Grade 3 -  after the Holy Liturgy, at 12 PM.

The goal (in all our Sunday school levels) is to walk humbly with the children in their discovery of God, to help them experience the faith with wonder and joy, and to provide them with a prayerful space to acquire a love for, and an appreciation of, the Holy Scriptures and the liturgical life of the Orthodox Church.


Oct. 1, Tuesday

Protection (Pokrov) of the Most-Holy Theotokos

10 am - Morning Service, 10:30 am - Divine Liturgy

Oct. 6, Sunday

Sunday the 3th after The Elevation of the Holy Cross

10 am - Morning Service, 10:30 am - Divine Liturgy

Oct. 13, Sunday

Sunday the 4th after The Elevation of the Holy Cross, Holy Martyr Zlata

10 am - Morning Service, 10:30 am - Divine Liturgy

Oct. 14, Monday

Ven. Parasceva of Turnovo

10 am - Morning Service, 10:30 am - Divine Liturgy

Oct. 19, Saturday

Saturday - Relics Ven. John of Rila

10 am - Morning Service, 10:30 am - Divine Liturgy

Oct. 20, Sunday

Sunday the 6th after The Elevation of the Holy Cross

10 am - Morning Service, 10:30 am - Divine Liturgy

Oct. 24, Thursday

The Mother of God, Joy of All Who Sorrow


Oct. 26, Saturday

Saint Demetrios the Great-martyr and myrrh-streamer

10 am - Morning Service, 10:30 am - Divine Liturgy

Oct. 27, Sunday

Sunday the 7th after The Elevation of the Holy Cross

10 am - Morning Service, 10:30 am - Divine Liturgy

Matins begin at 10 a.m. and Divine Liturgy at 10:30

Every Sunday at 9:30 am, the church doors will be open. Father Ioan will be available for those who wish to make confession before the service. Confession is a great opportunity for reflection and purification of the heart. May the moments of confession bring peace and solace to those who seek it.

The Celebration in Honor of Sts. Cyril and Methody
May 11, 2022

On the feast day of our church “Sts. Cyril and Methodius”, May 11, with the blessing of His Holiness Metropolitan Joseph, Father Boris Drangov led the Holy Liturgy in honor of our heavenly patrons - the holy brothers Cyril and Methody.  Father Valery Shumarov, Father Velichko Mikhailov and Father Anton Filchak were serving with him.

By the prayers of our heavenly protectors, may our Church endure! May it be a firm and strong fortress of our faith, may it hold its rudder aright through quiet and gracious waters to the haven where God dwells and awaits his faithful people!

For many years!!!

see pictures


Dear members, parishioners and friends
of Sts. Cyril and Methody Cathedral,

On Wednesday, May 11, on the occasion of the Feast of the Holy Brothers Cyril and Methody, a Divine Liturgy will be served from father Boris Drangov, at 10:30 a.m.

We invite all of you to take part in the Holy Service and to pray together that the Holy Brothers Cyril and Methody intercessions before God and protection.

We would be happy for you to join us here in our beautiful church "Sts. Cyril and Methody"! We can attend the Divine Liturgy together in different churches in Bulgaria online, pray, and share thoughts and experiences! 

Sts. Cyril and Methody Cathedral will be open every Sunday from 10:30 a.m. for all parishioners, who wish to pray and light candles for health and God forgive. 

On July 18th, Sunday, through a small but heartfelt celebration, organized on the occasion of the retirement of the 20-year administrator of the church "St. St. Cyril and Methodius ”- Kera Maslarski, its members and friends expressed their deep gratitude and warmest thoughts to her. Her contribution to the strengthening and preservation of the cathedral and the unification of the community are irreplaceable!

A Certificate of Honor was presented, with the blessing of metropolitan Joseph, to the current and long-standing president of the cathedral Mr. Vangel Angelov, as an Honorary President for Life - for his selfless and dedicated work for the benefit of the community and the church. Kera Maslarski received an Award of Meritorious service from our metropolitan Joseph, with warmest thanks and wishes from him.

We all wish Kera many blessed years ahead, full of gratitude, goodness and happiness!



Great Lent is the strictest and longest fast. It starts seven weeks before Easter, lasts 40 days and is also associated with the week of Christ's suffering (Holy Week), which reminds us of the last events of His earthly life, especially His suffering, death and burial.  

 During the Great Lent, each week is dedicated to an event or a Saint, whose deeds call for humility and repentance. 

DECEMBER 25, 2020
"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will towards men" (Luke 2:8-14).
We are close to one of the greatest Christian Holidays - the Nativity of Christ, when we will celebrate the birth of the Son of God - Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 
According to the Gospel of Luke, shortly before the birth of Jesus, His mother Mary, along with her husband, the carpenter Joseph, a descendant of the line of David, went from Nazareth to Bethlehem (Judah), the birthplace of Joseph. The Roman Emperor Octavian Augustus issued an order for a complete census of the population in the Empire. Everyone had to enroll where their family came from. 
Mary and Joseph could not find a place in the inn and were forced to take shelter in a cave outside the city, where the shepherds locked their sheep. 

At the moment of Nativity, an extraordinary light blazed in the sky, an angel appeared and announced to the nearby shepherds that the Savior had come into the world. 
“And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ. And here is your sign: you will find a swaddled baby lying in a manger. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying, Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. ”
(Luke 2: 10-14) 

The shepherds of Bethlehem were the first people to worship Jesus. 
The infant Jesus was also worshiped by three Eastern wise men brought to Bethlehem by the rising star above the scene, who brought Him precious gifts - gold, incense and myrrh. 
With His birth, Christ brought a particle of the sanctity of heavenly peace. 
With His coming to earth, the beginning of a new era was marked. 
God became man. The Word gained flesh, the Invisible became visible and the Son of God became the Son of Man. 
Every year the miracle of the Nativity enters our homes. On the quiet, holy night, the whole Christian world celebrates and sings the birth of the Infant. We mentally follow the light of the rising wonderful star and walk the way to the cave of Bethlehem to see the Son of God and bring Him precious gifts - humility, adoration and love. 
The coming of Christ to earth is a great event. It is repeated for all believers for more than two millennia to warm and enlighten our souls, to regenerate us and bring us closer to God. 
Again and again Christ is born in our hearts and fills them with love, so that they may be bright and pure, because He came as the Savior of the world. 
May Lord grant you and your loved ones Health, Love, Joy and Goodwill this Christmas and all the coming New Year 2021! 
Below is a link to a wonderful performance of the song Silent Night, Holy Night by Kelly Clarkson. By listening to this song, we hope you will feel the magic of the coming Holy Feast of the Nativity. 
Have a Blessed Christmas
and a Very Happy and Healthy New Year!

SEPTEMBER 26, 2020

Slide-show with photos from the Celebration:

Parts of the church service, performed by
Father Valeri Choumarov:

Part of the service, singing "Na Mnogaya Leta":

Part of the speech from the President,
Mr. Vangel Angelov:

Blessing the Celebration in the Banquet Hall
by Father Valeri:

Dear members, parishioners and friends of Sts. Cyril and Methody Cathedral,

September 28th, 2020 marks 110 years since the establishment of Macedono-Bulgarian Eastern Orthodox Parish Sts. Cyril and Methody.
Please, see the attached bulletin, which reflects important events from the church’s history.
The 110th anniversary is a good occasion to celebrate and recognize the hard work, enthusiasm and dedication of all those, who have contributed much of their lives to the foundation and establishment of the church, as a place of worshiping, social gathering and cultural activities.

Filled with joy and pride in what has been achieved so far, today, we all involved in the life of the Cathedral can proudly call ourselves followers of our ancestors, who founded this holy place in the distant 1910.

During the years of its existence, in addition to the church services and rituals, the Cathedral organized celebrations and events on various occasions, which we continue to follow today – Patron Saints Day Celebrations, Palm Sunday Bake-Sales, Traditional Annual Bazaars, Children's Christmas Parties, Celebrations of major National Holidays, concerts and others.

In 1960 and 1985, the Cathedral celebrated with dignity its 50th and 75th anniversaries with an extremely large presence of people and remarkable ceremonies, reflected in the anniversary books, from which we draw information about the church’s history.

The Centennial Anniversary of the Cathedral was celebrated on September 25, 2010 in the presence of many people, most of whom were second generation of the church's founders.  Gala-Dinner with a rich music program was organized in the Grand Banquet Hall of Prince Hotel in Toronto. Many official guests from Canada and Bulgaria were present.

More than 400 people came to celebrate this great and remarkable event, which continued the next day (September 26, 2010) with a Solemn Holy Liturgy, officiated by His Eminence Metropolitan Joseph and the priests of all fraternal churches in Toronto. After the service, the celebration continued in the banquet hall, which turned out to be small to accommodate all those, who had come to express their love and respect to the one-century-old church institution.

Unfortunately, today, because of the pandemic that threatens the human health and life, and due to the restrictions, imposed by Ontario health and government authorities, organizing a big event in order to celebrate the church's 110th Anniversary is impossible.

For this reason, the event will be marked with Moleben (a prayer for health and prosperity) by Father Valeri Shoumarov on Saturday, September 26th at 11 am.

All those, wishing to take part in this church ceremony are welcome, provided that all imposed restrictions are observed to prevent the spread of Covid-19 infection.




Dear members, parishioners and friends,

We are happy to announce that starting from Sunday, September 6, 2020, Sts. Cyril and Methody Cathedral will be open every Sunday from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. without a priest's service.

Everyone is welcome to come, light candles and pray, provided that the following health and safety instructions are folloewed:

• Wear a mask
• Avoid hugs and handshakes
• Maintain a social distance of 2 meters
• Wash and disinfect your hands friquently

Chirch Executive Committee


Dear friends of Sts. Cyril and Methody Cathedral,

May 24th, 2020 is the Day of the Bulgarian Education and Culture and Slavonic Literature.
Traditionally, every year on this day our Cathedral, named after the Holy Brothers Cyril and Methody, celebrates its Patron Saint's Day with a solemn Holy Liturgy and a Gala-Banquet with a festive lunch and a rich musical program.
This year, we have also another wonderful occasion to celebrate - 110 years since the founding of our Cathedral - the holy place, which has preserved the faith,  traditions and culture of our ancestors, which we follow with dignity and strive to pass on to the generations to come.
Unfortunately, due to the global pandemic of COVID-19, the church remains still closed and we did not have the opportunity to organize and celebrate the Patron Saint's Day of our Cathedral.
Having this in mind, let us remember the Celebrations of our Patron Saints Day from previous years, when the church and the banquet hall were festively decorated and full of smiling and cheerful people, who had came to celebrate the great church holiday.
Let us remember the hymn, glorifying the work of the Holy Brothers Cyril and Methody, which still echoes in our ears and raises everyone to their feet: Go, revived people, go to a bright future!
Let us remember also the official visits of His Eminence Metropolitan Joseph and his festive prayers and blessings, as well as the presence of the official guests, honorary members, many children, dance groups and performers, participating in the musical programs, which have always ended with traditional Bulgarian and Macedonian horos.
Celebrations with wonderful experiences and unforgettable memories!

Celebrations, that will remain in the history of our 110 year-old Cathedral, which we can be proud to have been a part of.

May the deed of the Holy Brothers lives forever!

May our Cathedral and the work of its founders and faithful followers live on for centuries!

Happy Holiday to everyone!

Please, refer to the links on the left and on the right of our Home page, to see pictures and videos from our Patron Saints Day Celebration in 2018 and 2019.


Beloved in the Lord, brothers and sisters,

With the greeting of "Christ is Risen" and the answer "Indeed, He is Risen", we the Orthodox Christians will congratulate each other for 40 days after the day of Resurrection.

Christ would be just one ordinary Jewish teacher, who healed the sick and died tragically on the Cross, if God did not confirm His mission through the Resurrection.

For believers, the Resurrection of Christ is the key to the mystery of life and death. Easter is not just about bringing a dead person back to life. The God-man Christ is the only person in history, who lives forever in God and for God after His Resurrection.

The resurrection of Christ proves that Jesus of Nazareth is not only a prophet, as Muslims believe, and is not only a teacher, as the occultists claim.

Christ is the Son of God, "Light from Light, true God from true God," as it is written in the Symbol of Faith.

Christ is not dead, but alive and glorified, He delivers His followers from sin and eternal death in hell, which awaits all nonbelievers.

Thanks to the Resurrection, the Church was founded, which has been triumphant for over 2000 years and has become the foundation of Christian civilization.

We are all members and debtors of this civilization and its moral principles.

St. Gregory the Theologian writes: "Christ is risen from the dead; Christ is in His glory - go up also to His glory; Christ has escaped from the tomb - free yourself also from the bonds of sin!”

Brothers and sisters,

May our hearts respond to the news of the Resurrected Christ and be willing to follow His Commandments.

May the light of Christ's Resurrection cast out from our lives the darkness of sin and fill it with the work of God's righteousness, love, and mercy.

Let us pray that God will grant us health, peace, prosperity and salvation.

Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen!

Ikonom Vesselin Arnaoudov

Parish Priest and Vicar of Metropolitan Joseph


To reduce the spread of COVID-19 and based on the advice of Government and Health Leaders, Macedono-Bulgarian Orthodox Cathedral "Sts. Cyril and Methody" in Toronto will temporarily close the Church, Administrative Office and the Banquet Hall until further notice.

The measures are taken to avoid human contacts, to protect against the spread of the virus and ensure the health and safety of our customers and employees.

In case of urgent needs, regarding church matters and services, please call Father Vesselin Arnaoudov at 647 632 7051 /

For questions about administrative and hall rental matters, please contact Ms. Kera Maslarski at 647 740 3506

We hope the church, administrative office and the banquet hall will soon resume their normal work, for which, we will notify you in a timely manner.

Church Executive Committee

Sts. Cyril and Methody Macedono-Bulgarian Orthodox Cathedral

March 18, 2020

Betty and Valtcho Valtchev - Honorary Members of 2019

It has been a tradition of our church to recognize our longstanding and active members, who have served the church for many years and whose contributions have had a big and lasting impact in the life of our Cathedral.

This year at our Patron Saints’ Day Celebration on May 26th, we have invited Betty and Valtcho Valtchev to honor them for their many years of membership, support and dedication to Sts. Cyril & Methody Cathedral.

Due to health problems, they both did not attend the Celebration. Below is briefly written about their involvement with the life of our Cathedral.

Family Betty and Valcho Valchev, have been members of our Cathedral  from the distant 1955, when they got married here by the priest at that time, V. Rev. Haralampy Iliev.
Since then, the church has become for them a place to renew their spirits, a place to gather and meet friends – old and new, a place
to talk and remember their native land, which they missed a lot.

Valcho Valchev came to Toronto in 1953. He graduated from a Technical School and started working as a draftsman.

After years, he entered in the building construction business, which he practiced until the end of his working career.

Betty and Valcho had a daughter, Stephanie, who was baptized in our church by the Bishop Simeon. Betty has a nice memory from that time: After the service, the Bishop happily told Stephanie: "Today, I baptized you and one day I will marry you". "No, I will marry my boyfriend" said the little Stephanie.

When Stephanie turned 6, she was enrolled in the Sunday school, which she attended every Friday night.

The teacher at that time was Petranka Andonova. Betty cannot remember how many children were in the class, but when they had performances, she said,  the stage was full of children.

The marriage of Betty and Valcho’s daughter Stephanie took place in our Cathedral. Her husband was a Catholic and his parents (Irish Catholics) were very pleased to attend the Wedding Ceremony and remained  very impressed by the design of our Cathedral and the Eastern Orthodox Wedding Service.

Their two grandchildren - Chelsea and Christopher were also baptized in our Cathedral by V. Rev. Ivan Minchev.

Betty and Valcho remember with delight the past years of the church. The Sanctuary was full of people every Sunday and on church holidays. Lots of bazaars, dinner-dances, theater performances and other community events were organized for the parishioners. They all felt the church as their home.
Betty and Valcho Vatchev have also taken part in the management of the Cathedral. For many years they have been members of Board of Trustees, Subcommittees and Advisory Boards. Valcho Valchev was a Master of Ceremony of one of the biggest and most remarkable events of our Cathedral, the 75th Anniversary in the year 1985. At this Celebration, Valcho read the names of the 27 Macedonians and one Bulgarian from Varna, who took the historical decision to build the church in the distant 1910.
The moment was very exciting, as all, who attended the Celebration expressed their deep respect and joy for the great historical work of the founders of our Cathedral.
Over the years and to this day, Betty and Valcho remain connected to Sts. Cyril and Methody Cathedral, which continues to play an important role in their lives.

Dear Betty and Valcho Valchev,

On Sunday, May 26th, 2019 we celebrated your 64-year membership with our Cathedral. We were very happy to honor you, as you are one of the living legends of our Cathedral.
Thank you for your devotion, love and support!

May God bless you and grant you health and more years to come!
May the Patrons of our Cathedral, the Holy Brothers Cyril and Methody guard and protect you always!

May 26th, 2019
Sts. Cyril & Methody Macedono-Bulgarian
Eastern Orthodox Cathedral

Toronto, Canada


On January 28, 2018, His Eminence Metropolitan Joseph has called a General Meeting of the membership for the election of a new Church Executive Committe.
The meeting started with an opening prayer, performed by Metropolitan Joseph and Father Vesselin Arnaoudov, followed by detailed reports, presented by His Eminence Metropolitan Joseph, Parish Priest, Father Vesselin Arnaoudov, President of the Church Committee, Mr. Vangel Angelov and the Treasurer of the Church, Mr. Peter Evans.

After unanimous acceptance of the reports and the assurances of all parishioners, who verbally declared that they would continue to observe strictly the By-Laws of the Cathedral and the Diocese, His Eminence declared the end of the canonical disorder and announced the beginning of the procedure for the election of a new Church Committee, which was held according to the requirements of the Church’s By-Law.
Below is a picture of the newly elected Church Committee with His Eminence Metropolitan Joseph, Father Vesselin and Prezvitera Galya.

The members of the newly elected Church Committee are as follows:
Vangel Angelov President
Alexander Karadjov Vice President
Eleanor Michael Secretary
Tzvetanka Karadjov Assistant Secretary
Peter Evans Treasurer
Peter Peroff member
George Persinov member
James Stefoff member
Clare Evans member
Tanya Persinov member
Donna Stefoff member
Dimitrina Nicholov member
With the blessing of His Eminence Metropolitan Joseph, on Sunday, February 4, 2018 (Sunday of the Prodigal Son), Father Vesselin Arnaoudov performed a blessing with Holy Water for the health and success of the newly elected Church Committee, as well as for all Orthodox parishioners for a mutual love and understanding in our Christian families and in the Holy Orthodox Church

Let us wish the members of the newly elected Church Committee to be healthy and to govern the life of the church with love, goodwill and wisdom.
May our more than century old Cathedral affirm itself again, as a holy place for prayers, worship, peace and love among people.

Visit our facebook page

Come to an Autumn Dance Party in the hall of Sts. Cyril and Methody Cathedral on October 26th, at 7 pm! 

DJ Joro will take care of our good mood and fulfill our musical wishes. 

Light appetizers are included in the $20 ticket price, and anyone who wishes may contribute to the communal meal with something of their choice. 

Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages will be available at affordable prices. 

You can pay for your tickets via e-transfer at 

or at the church any Sunday from 12 to 2 pm. 

Children under 12 are free. 

P.S. AUTUMN PARTY - FALL CHANGE ~ It is recommended, but not required, that we all dress in the colors of autumn!

*The event is organized to raise funds for the stage renovation.

September 8th, 2024
Celebration in honor of the Unification of Bulgaria.


Children's Christmas Party
December 15, 2019


Akathist Service
March 15, 2019


Bulgarian National Day Celebration March 3, 2019


Children's Chriatmas Party
December, 2018

link to the Collage

Church Fall Bake-Sale


Blessing the new church Committee of Sts. Cyril and Methody Cathedral
February 4, 2018


Holy Theophany and
Blessing of Water

invitation from the priest

Metropolitan Joseph's visits
at Sts. Cyril & Methody Cathedral:

• October 14, 2017

• October 28-29, 2017